Blockchain and Space Technologies

By combining blockchain and space technology, they’re expanding the potential of both industries and finding new ways…


If we’re going to build a better future, we need to look at where we can go next, both literally and figuratively. That’s why companies like Adashe are working together with space technology companies to push the limits of human innovation. By combining blockchain and space technology, they’re expanding the potential of both industries and finding new ways to make the world a better place... one block at a time.

What is blockchain?

One of blockchain’s most exciting properties is its ability to verify, record, and save information over an unchangeable public ledger. It’s an immutable, distributed digital ledger of peer-to-peer transactions. At its core, blockchain is like a global spreadsheet where transactions made in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are logged chronologically and publicly.

Because it operates outside a central location (the one true blockchain), any recorded data cannot be deleted or changed. For someone to tamper with a record, they would have to change every copy on every computer on that network — something considered impossible. And because so many people are involved in contributing to its database—each one independently verifying incoming information—it’s incredibly difficult for false information to spread or remain on the blockchain.

Because of these characteristics, many people see blockchain as having the incredible potential to disrupt everything from voting systems to finance and real estate. There’s even talk about how blockchain could transform space travel by creating secure logins for spacecraft. That means no more worrying about leaving your iPhone at home before taking off; all you need is your thumbprint stored on a blockchain! This technology also has applications here on Earth, from providing better security when making online purchases to managing healthcare data.

As we move into more remote corners of our planet, ensuring that our records can’t be tampered with will become increasingly important.


Blockchain and space in developing countries

In developing countries, both space technologies and blockchain are receiving much attention. This is because these two platforms could help these nations more easily record land registries, property deeds, financial transactions, health data, elections, etc. There’s also hope that these technologies will be used in tandem to create more equitable government systems.


The idea behind this marriage between blockchain and space

Blockchains can help distribute information at incredible speeds, making it useful in one of humanity’s most important endeavours: scientific discovery. But what would a blockchain-based mission to space look like? Here are just a few examples of how blockchain technology could be used with space technology.

  • In addition to storing data on distributed networks, blockchains also act as digital notaries that keep track of all transactions on those networks. This is particularly useful in space missions because it can help ensure the authenticity of scientific discoveries by maintaining a permanent record of everything that happens during a mission. If there’s ever any dispute about what happened during a mission (which does happen occasionally), there will be an indisputable record available for reference.
  • Blockchains are designed to be tamper-proof. Because of their decentralized nature, they make it very difficult for hackers or other malicious actors to access sensitive information stored on them. And since many scientific instruments are susceptible to hacking or tampering with—especially when they’re out in space—blockchain technology could provide an extra layer of security that would help protect valuable information from falling into enemy hands.
  • Blockchains use cryptography to verify identities. As we continue to explore more of our solar system, we’ll need better ways to identify ourselves when we meet new alien species or visit new planets. A blockchain-based identification system could be used for such things. When astronauts land on Mars and want to prove who they are, a blockchain ID might be one way for them to do so.

There are many other examples that we will explore in later blogs.


How Will Blockchain and Space Technology Work Together?

Blockchain technology is still in its infancy—we’re only just beginning to discover all of its potential uses. But if it continues along its current trajectory, there’s no doubt that it will impact humanity beyond what we can currently imagine. And since space exploration is one of humanity’s most important endeavours, it seems inevitable that blockchains will play some role in humanity reaching new heights—whether literally or figuratively.

Researchers at organizations like NASA have been trying to figure out ways to incorporate blockchain technology into space-based computing systems—which sounds cool but is also deeply complicated. However, there has already been some success: NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory successfully tested a system for storing spacecraft telemetry on an Ethereum blockchain.

Using blockchain technology to store spacecraft telemetry on an immutable ledger would make it easier for scientists to keep track of their missions without worrying about losing or corrupting any important information. More broadly, implementing blockchain technology into our global space programs could lead to better communication between different agencies and ensure a safer environment for astronauts.

So, who knows? Maybe one day, we’ll see intergalactic real estate investments made possible through smart contracts! (Or perhaps not.)Either way, though, I think it’s safe to say that blockchain and space technology is set to have an impact on each other for years to come.



Adashe represents the spirit of community, growth, and progress.

Adashe is a seamless fusion of Tradefi, DeFi, and Data systems, It is the future of Money, It is available across multiple Blockchains.

Developed by crypto pioneers, aerospace inventors, engineers, data scientist and tech leaders, Adashe establishes a standardized industry framework for trade, finance, data and for adoption of blockchain and crypto.

Adabase is a federated data solution which will allow for robust and real time interactions of and with data from an endless stream of sources.

Supply chains, performance data tracking and automated execution of commands specific to user and situation are all uses, giving users a detailed snapshot and the ability to respond faster and more precisely.

Our crypto currency lubricates the ecosystem and serves as payment for interactions at predetermined intervals. Enterprise and non-enterprise users can interact with our Eco-system via our app and web-based solutions across different platforms for free.

Adabase while built to work with Adashe can via smart contracts execute payments for other chains with associated fees, furthermore Project Adashe plans to eventually run on its own custom blockchain protocol.

Project Adashe is set for launch on the 28th of January 2024.

Visit our website at to learn more!

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Image credit...NASA