The Ripple…

…as a drop of water makes a ripple in a cup of water, we too can make a ripple even as we disappear into this sea of time and lives.


The nature of reality subject to our receptors and the brains interpretations is fascinating.

Most of us rarely concern ourselves on how our brains interpret the data we feed it, or all of the information it receives and processes.

Think about background tasks on your computer or mobile phone that are essential to its function but with which we never or rarely interact.

Interesting aspects that escape our observation become subjects of fascination when made apparent.

Our interaction with the physical world in touch, sight, taste, and other perceptions is why we do all of what we do as people.

It forms the full range of psychological and physiological states.


The Ripple...

I have always been fascinated by the human mind and why we chose specific patterns and interpretations over others, and how that informs language and civilization.

It is my opinion that the human mind is singular, that it is an effect brought about by countless other thoughts.

This perception helps me better understand myself and our world, our strengths, weaknesses and biases and perhaps how and why we should overcome them.

And so, our individual experiences while perhaps unique in ways will eventually be lost in the sea of time and lives, seldom to be recovered or wholly remembered.

For a finite moment in space and time, we pop up seemingly from insignificance and without a full understanding of the bigger picture and then the next moment we are gone.

We are comforted that as a drop of water makes a ripple in a cup of water, we too can make a ripple even as we disappear into this sea of time and lives.